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Euro 2021 football cup: The green issue
The 16th edition of the European football cup starts in June with a one-year delay due to the COVID-19 crisis. With growing attention being paid to the climate impact of spectator sports, EURACTIV looks into how green this edition will be.
In-Depth Analysis – Euro Area fiscal policies and capacity in post-pandemic times – 23-07-2021
The Covid-19 pandemic has created huge challenges for policymakers in the whole world. These challenges have to do with both the short run and the long run. In addition, in the euro area, these challenges have dimensions that are peculiar to the fact that the euro area is a monetary union with one monetary authority and nineteen separate budgetary authorities. In this policy brief, the author provides some answer to two questions: • Which policy mix (national/supranational) supports smooth recovery, sustainability of public finances and resilience of the euro area? • Which EMU governance reforms should be prioritised so as to improve the functioning of the euro area?
Source : © European Union, 2021 – EP
Study – Research for TRAN Committee – The aviation and maritime sectors and the EU-ETS System: challenges and impacts – 09-07-2021
This paper gives an initial overview of the market structure in a revised EU ETS for the European aviation and maritime sectors. Key design options like the scheme’s geographical scope, the baseline year(s), cap and allocation of allowances, and – in the case of aviation – the relationship with CORSIA, can have impacts on the competitive situation of EU carriers and vessels. This is the first stage in the research project focusing on the implementation and socio-economic perspectives related to the eventual inclusion of aviation and maritime in the EU ETS system. The analysis of the Commission’s proposal is expected to follow in fall 2021.
Source : © European Union, 2021 – EP
Briefing – Strengthening Europol’s mandate – 20-07-2021
Europol has been at the forefront of fighting serious and organised crime in the EU. However, with digital transformations and a global interconnectedness emerging, security threats have become more complex. Against this background, the Commission has published a recast proposal of the Europol Regulation with the objective of, inter alia, (1) enabling Europol to support Member States and their investigations through big data analysis; (2) enabling Europol to directly exchange data with private parties; and (3) strengthening Europol’s role on research and innovation. While the Commission made efforts to analyse the problems at hand in the accompanying Impact Assessment, more detailed information on the scale and size of the different problems would have been useful. The Commission conducted several targeted consultations for this initiative, but did not carry out a mandatory 12-week open public consultation. The IA assesses relevant impacts, including fundamental rights impacts.
Source : © European Union, 2021 – EP
EURO 2020 triggers spat between Athens, Skopje
After Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias sent a letter to his counterpart Bujar Osmani requesting full and consistent implementation of the Prespa Agreement in response to the logo of the Football Federation of Macedonia (FFM) that features on the national…