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Digital Brief, powered by FACEBOOK: Slovenia’s digital agenda, recovery plans falling short, Google sanctioned
Welcome to EURACTIV’s Digital Brief, your weekly update on all things digital in the EU. You can subscribe to the newsletter here. “We want to promote the EU digital agenda, to contribute to its success especially on the regulatory side. We…
The Brief, powered by GIGAEurope – Keep the prosecco flowing
The ability to jump on a train in London and arrive in a European capital within a couple of hours was one of the privileges that we took for granted in the pre-pandemic era. Thanks to Eurostar, just an identity…
The Brief, powered by GIGAEurope – Slapping down democracy
A series of alarm bells about media, journalism, and democracy have been set off across Europe recently, for those who wanted to listen.
The Brief, powered by GIGAEurope – Realpolitik
The Gazprom-favoured pipeline Nord Stream 2 has been a major irritant in world affairs for a couple of years now. All of a sudden however it stopped being an issue, during the US-Russia meeting in Reykjavik.
Diplomat: EU could seek to bypass Hungary after series of vetoes
The EU could begin issuing statements on behalf of 26 members rather than all 27 following a series of vetoes by Hungary on a range of issues, an EU diplomat told journalists on Friday (21 May).