• promotion of the trans-national mobility and circulation of people working in the cultural sector and of cultural and artistic works and products; The project foresees activities which will convey people and artists working in the fields of music and theatre in order to share expertise and professional experiences aiming at their professional enrichment and growth. The project will create artistic meetings, cultural events and networks, to promote a cultural railway without classes but with a unique perspective: that of closing together artists and artistic works to a widespread and variegated number of European citizens. Promotion of concept and circulation of cultural works; Music and theatre are activities with a concrete potential helping European citizens to understand each other in their reciprocal respect, safeguarding and enhancing cultural diversities of their counties and traditions. The project will create new musical ensembles, music groups and new artistic works and products, and knowing different artists will create long lasting networks of relation for the future years. European cultural workers and artists will meet in Austria, Italy, in Ireland, in Lithuania, in Portugal, in order to bring their national and in a wider meaning European cultural heritage on a shared and common working platform. • promotion of inter-cultural dialogue; The fundamental role of Culture in human development and in intercultural dialogue and its growing importance within development policies and cooperation instruments is becoming a constant focus in the EU, as well as in other International Organizations’, strategic orientations. Different artistic expressions and languages will be compared during the project activities with a shared work to witness the concrete intercultural dialogue.• public access to culture; Public and wide access to culture is a fundamental element to which the project will dedicate a particular attention. The possibility to widen the access to culture will be created through an artistic strategy aiming at a unification of a research work from one side and popular issues on the other. The work will be carried out with a particular attention in order to reach the widest possible audience and to create a concrete public access to culture. The performance venues have been selected in order to promote the public access to culture, with beautiful and historical venues and locations, open air locations, very popular, villages, academies and conservatoires.
THIS PROJECT WAS A TEAM WORK, TO OBTAIN MASTER'S CERTIFICATE. Description of the project: The project intends to create in central Italy, in a territory with a wonderful nature, an ancient history and a very high life level, a meeting place where European artists can meet, study, research and perform. MI-Arts wishes to offer a concrete opportunity to create strong cultural, artistic and professional relationships. The project desires to develop a cultural European network which could promote the circulation of artists and artistic works through an inter-cultural dialogue. Another aim of the MI-Arts project is to promote public access to culture offering a wide range of cultural activities in different fields and in different environments, from the academic one to the popular. This project is a kind of cultural “railway” with different stations along its rails, going through many territories, from middle Italy up to the north, east and west of Europe. A cultural railway without classes but with a unique perspective: that of closing together artists and artistic works to a widespread and variegated number of European citizens. Thanks to the work, the cultural artistic experimentation, the cooperation of knowledge, the artistic strength all European partners will convey in the project, a real European added value will be reached, so as the strategic targets of the project.Activity I: 01/09/2013-31/10/2013 Location: Italy Descrition of activity: a musical workshop for brass instruments. The workshop has been conceived for twenty young professional and non-professional musician. They will come from the local Italian territory, from the partner countries and from other European countries. The workshop will last 7 days and it will be held under the supervision of 2 tutors from the partners.The brass instruments, which are used also in popular music and bands are very suitable instruments to perform both popular and classical music. For this reason the workshop will be focused both on classical and popular music. This will lead to performances with a strong popular appeal, held in 4 different villages of the territory of the Centre of Italy. An added value will be represented by the composition a new music to be performed by this ensemble, commissioned to a young composer from one of the partner countries.Activity II: 01/09/2013-16/09/2013S Location: Italy-Ireland-Lithania-Portugal Description of activity: Three ensembles (from trio to quintet) from the partner institutions will meet to study, guided by 3 musicians from the partners. They will focus on music by Italian and Austrian authors. After this meeting and sharing of artistic competencies, which will last 7 days, the three ensembles and the two musicians will play 2 concerts in Italy and 3 concerts in Austria, Portugal and LithuaniaActivity III: 01/09/2013-31/10/2013 Location: Italy Descrition of activity: A group of musicians (Baroque music performance) form the partner countries will meet in order to study the religious repertoire by European Baroque authors. This workshop will last 7 days after which 2 performances will be organized in 2 very interesting religious venues of great historical and architecture importance on Italian territory.Activity IV:01/09/2013-16/09/2013 Location: Italian Theatres Descrition of activity: The theme of this activity is a call to tolerance and peaceful co-existence in the sign of brotherhood.Three European theatre companies from the partner countries: Italy, Portugal and Lithuania will stage theatre pieces on the theme of spiritual, social and political meetings amongst different cultures. An interesting contamination amongst 3 languages, with a particular gesture. An exchange of cultures, especially of the Mediterranean culture with those of northern Europe and the Baltic region. This will lead to an inter-cultural dialogue expressed through European theatre languages and the trans-national mobility of people working in the cultural sector.Activity V:01/09/2013-16/09/2013 Location: Italian Theatre Descrition of activity: Some members of the three European theatre companies from the partner countries with some musicians from the partner countries will perform a piece gathering peculiar elements of the cultural characteristics of each partner country on the general theme of brotherhood and Franciscan spirit. A union of lines, proposals and artistic works leading to a common canticle. This piece will be created merging together theatrical and musical moments. The result of a complex work carried out by a European team will lead to a inter-cultural dialogue e the trans-national circulation of cultural and artistic works and products.Activity IV:Project Planning and Control Location: Italy, Ireland, Lithuania, Portugal, Austria Period: 01/05/2013-31/10/2013 Descrition of activity: The project planning includes all the activities necessary to organize, implement and follow up the project activities. The main methodological action foresees a division of the roles and the tasks between the organizers and the co-organizers so to establish a tight contact between them. Shared and commonly agreed strategies and intervention measures will be implemented so to follow all the stages of the project and to have a clear trace of all the implementation steps. The constant monitoring of all the arising questions and of the carried out activities will be a key element of the method of implementation. The staff of will have to constantly update all co-organizers about the development of each activity, arising potential problems and offering solutions. The partners have designated their local coordinator for the project on the basis of her/his competencies and professional skills and experience in handling similar activities. The follow up activities will be organized with the collaboration and help of all stakeholders involved in the project. All the phase of the projects will be planned and then checked with a shared planning of the actions. The constant comparison and sharing of information between the organizer and the co-organizers will be coordinated and monitored with regular project progress monitoring procedures and meetings.