Highlights – Budget 2022: committee debate. Sustainable and smart mobility: vote – Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
The Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality will go over its opinion on the EU Budget for 2022, on 12 July. Amongst other things, the draft asks for an increase in the European Institute for Gender Equality’s budget and an independent budget line to the objective dedicated to promoting gender equality in the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme. The Committee will then vote on its opinion on the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, on 13 July.
The latter highlights the need to tackle the underrepresentation of women as transport workers and the link with the gender gap in STEM and new technologies sectors.
FEMM Webpage
Meeting agenda and documents
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EU Budget for 2022: FEMM draft opinion
Procedure file: Sustainable and smart mobility
EU Fact Sheets: Equality between men and women
Meeting agenda and documents
Live streaming
EU Budget for 2022: FEMM draft opinion
Procedure file: Sustainable and smart mobility
EU Fact Sheets: Equality between men and women
Source : © European Union, 2021 – EP