Even after US shift, opponents resist COVID-19 vaccine patent waiver

A deal on an intellectual property waiver for COVID-19 vaccines at the World Trade Organization (WTO) was no closer to acceptance on Monday (31 May) despite Washington’s backing.

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Highlights – WTO negotiations, Trade and Sustainable Development: committee debates – Committee on International Trade

Abbreviation WTO
The Committee on International Trade will discuss the preparations for the upcoming WTO negotiations, including with respect to the proposed waiver for COVID-19 vaccines intellectual property rights under the TRIPS agreement and the fisheries subsidies negotiations. The Committee will also discuss the review of the 15-point action plan on the effective implementation and enforcement of the Trade and Sustainable Development Chapters (TSD) in trade agreements. The meeting will be held on 13 July.

Source : © European Union, 2021 – EP

In-Depth Analysis – The EU-Turkey Customs Union and trade relations: what options for the future? – 07-07-2021

This in-depth analysis summarizes the main effects of the Customs Union (CU) on EU-Turkey trade and the economic situation in Turkey. Whereas the CU offers Turkey several economic benefits, it also implies some downsides, in particular asymmetric tariffs in relation to third countries. Against the background of the dynamic development of EU-Turkey relations, the authors assess the impact of four different options for developing EU-Turkey economic and trade relations:
(i) Continuation of the current Customs Union framework as it stands,
(ii) Modernization and upgrading of the Customs Union,
(iii) A transformation of the bilateral trade relations into a deep and comprehensive free trade agreement (DCFTA),
(iv) Suspension of the Customs Union (in which case WTO rules would apply).
The in-depth-analysis describes the options, the challenges the EU-Turkey Customs Union faces and seeks solutions for these issues.

Source : © European Union, 2021 – EP


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