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Highlights – The Global State of Human Rights: High-Level Conference – Subcommittee on Human Rights
The European Parliament and the Global Campus of Human Rights will hold the first Global State of Human Rights conference on 16 July. The event will gather MEPs, including EP Vice Presidents Heidi Hautala and Fabio Castaldo, and Maria Arena, Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights, EU Commissioners, Nobel Peace Prize Recipients, Sakharov Prize Laureates, Political and Security Committee Ambassadors, and representatives from international organisations, academics and stakeholders.
Source : © European Union, 2021 – EP
Highlights – Motor Insurance Directive: committee vote – Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
The Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection will vote on the provisional inter-institutional agreement on the Motor Insurance Directive, on 12 July. The amended rules aim to better protect injured people when accidents occur in any EU member state, including domestic victims of an accident caused by a driver from another EU country. They also harmonise minimum amounts of cover. Victims of accidents will also be protected if a liable party’s insurance company goes bankrupt.
IMCO Webpage
Meeting agenda and documents
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Procedure file: Insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles, and the enforcement of the obligation to ensure against such liability
EU Fact Sheets: The internal market
EU Fact Sheets: Consumer policy
Meeting agenda and documents
Live streaming
Procedure file: Insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles, and the enforcement of the obligation to ensure against such liability
EU Fact Sheets: The internal market
EU Fact Sheets: Consumer policy
Source : © European Union, 2021 – EP
Study – Biometric Recognition and Behavioural Detection Assessing the ethical aspects of biometric recognition and behavioural detection techniques with a focus on their current and future use in public spaces – 06-08-2021
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI and PETI Committees, analyses the use of biometric techniques from an ethical and legal perspective. Biometric techniques raise a number of specific ethical issues, as an individual cannot easily change biometric features, and as these techniques tend to intrude into the human body and ultimately the human self. Further issues are more generally associated with large-scale surveillance, algorithmic decision making, or profiling. The study analyses different types of biometric techniques and draws conclusions for EU legislation.
Source : © European Union, 2021 – EP
At least 68 killed in Afghan school blast, families bury victims
The death toll from a bomb attack outside a school in the Afghan capital Kabul has risen to 68, officials said, with doctors struggling to care for 165 injured victims and families searching desperately for missing children.
Bundestag adopts supply chain law tackling human rights abuses
The German Bundestag has adopted the Due Diligence in Supply Chains Law that will force companies to respect human rights in their supply chains, despite opposition from some political parties and industry